Monday, March 10, 2014


On Saturday, I finally finished a 90 day commitment to watching a twenty minute DVD associated with a Bob Proctor program called Your Winners Image. Every morning for 90 days, the first productive task I did was to watch this DVD until I knew every word that was coming out of Bob’s mouth before it did! Some days I only did it for the joy and satisfaction of logging the date on my sheet of paper next to the number of the day I had accomplished this task!

But I have accomplished much more than the task itself. I have learned about the critical nature of self-image.

Here’s a quote by James Allen from his book, As A Man Thinketh:

“Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes,
The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills;
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass;
Environment is but his looking-glass.”

I now understand beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I will never achieve anything permanent or substantial without graduating into a healthier self-image. The self-image is our governor in life, as in the definition used for putting limits on an engine by controlling the amount of fuel it receives. We can NEVER out-perform it!

A person can change his or her self-image, however. One of Bob Proctor’s early mentors, Leland Val Vandewall, made the following statement, which I have prominently posted up on my Vision Board:

Thinking Creates An Image
Images Create Feelings
Feelings Create Actions
Actions Create Results

On Saturday, for the first time, I was really able to internalize those words after all the times I’ve heard and read it! 

What images do you create when you think? Do you ever notice how you FEEL with the images you create? Do you ever watch yourself DOING or saying something based on how you are feeling? And finally, have you ever noticed how your behavior causes certain RESULTS or reactions? Whether they be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ results, we DO cause them with our own actions; caused by our own thoughts.

Once you are able to accept that basic premise or truth and learn the concept of ‘responsibility’, you can be sure that you are well on your way to a greater understanding of how the mind works and how it controls the actions of the body.

This is such a powerful and joyous concept! We typically associate the word ‘responsibility’ with a negative connotation and it need not be that way. After all, along with responsibility come certain freedoms! It does not need to feel like an albatross around the neck! Remember, once you can freely take responsibility for your results, you can also take the ‘credit’ for the good results!

And as you cause, with your thoughts, more and more ‘good’ results in your life, you are naturally creating a healthier self-image! This, in turn, will create more and more ‘good’ results! Beautiful concept, right?
Please join with me in thinking good thoughts about Daylight Savings Time! I absolutely abhor losing an hour of my life so it will be a challenge, as it is every year, to overcome this negative thought. But I am more determined this year than ever before, to think and focus on the benefits of this perennial change. Maybe this year, I will be able to cause ‘good’ results!

Happy Monday!

Cindy Hurd

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