Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekend Wins

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was fairly productive although I could have kept to a tighter schedule and gotten more sleep!

Saturday, I was able to get some organizing done in my office...Yea! In doing so, I moved one of my biggest plants from the bedroom into the office to protect it from further assault by 8 cats who have been diligently and systematically trying to kill said plant. I also got a lot of paper dispensed with in various filing systems, not the least of which was the ‘circular file’. J

Yesterday (Sunday), I was fortunate enough to be contacted by two out of three of which just came up for air after 3 weeks on a submarine tour. He gets to have about ten days above ground before going back under. It was good to hear from him! And major Congrats to him for qualifying and earning his 'dolphins'while undersea!

The majority of my remaining time was spent in diligent study. I am in the process of becoming a certified facilitator for the Proctor/Gallagher Institute and am training to teach the material I have been studying for about two years! This is a goal I have wanted since about this time last year but did not know I would commit to it so soon or with whom I would commit. My choice to finally go with the Proctor/Gallagher Institute is based upon the fact that Bob Proctor is the last man of his generation still alive and actively teaching after over 50 years of study and experience. Since the man will be 80 years old in July of this year, I sort of felt like grabbing the opportunity to study under one of the greats in self-development now rather than later! (although...he has already booked a speaking engagement for his 100th birthday at a hotel in Las Vegas!) far I am doing pretty well for the year in tackling major goals. Organization is moving along. Four cats (out of 10 planned for this year) have been spayed or neutered. I no longer pay for a storage rental unit. And now I have bumped up one of my goals for next year by learning to become a certified life coach! Go Me! Lol

I’d like to put in a good word for Ralph Marston, whom I have mentioned before. He sends a daily email of inspiration that he puts together with pictures and music. It’s a very nice way to start your day! Here is a small portion of one that I put up on the wall in front of my worktable:

“You can plan and prepare and talk about it for weeks or months or years, but that’s never enough. Action is what will make it happen.” 

Go check out his won’t be sorry.

Here’s to a week of ACTION!

Happy Monday!

Cindy Hurd

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