Monday, February 3, 2014


Today I am taking a little break from my discussion of goals, why we make them and how best to keep them. The reason for this is because since I last posted, a super awesome opportunity was offered to me and I am so excited about it that I must share!

As some of you know, I belong to Bob Proctor’s Streaming Club which generally “meets” once a week, live, over the internet. During this hour, Bob typically gives a ‘lesson’ and then opens the forum to Q & A so that the members can get direct feedback from Bob. This past week, we were also treated to the presence of Sandy Gallagher, CEO of the Proctor/Gallagher Institute, and together they presented the lesson. This particular call was so detailed and Bob and Sandy were so generous with their time, that the call went for almost 90 minutes! You can join the Streaming Club by clicking the link on this page, if you’d like.

Towards the end of the call, one lady stated that she was having some trouble moving into ACTION on her goal and asked for advice as to HOW to get moving. This will be the last segment of our discussion on goals that I will cover in a future post. As soon as the lady was finished speaking, I’m thinking...”That is soooo me!” What do we need,  to stop THINKING about it and start DOING it?!

Bob shot an answer back to her so fast it was head-spinning! He said, “I’ll tell you what to do! I want you to send me an email every day for the next 30 days telling me what you plan to do to achieve one step closer to your goal and then the next day your email will say ‘DONE’!” 

Well, I instantly recognized the opportunity for ACCOUNTABILITY, which I have been craving for months, and quickly piped up, “May I do it as well?” Sandy was reading the chat box and asked him for me. He said, “Yes, Cindy can do it too.”

My body was vibrating with so much excitement that I could barely sit still. Luckily, the call was pretty much over by then and I was able to get right over to my email account and get a ‘letter’ written to the administration at the Proctor/Gallagher Institute!

So far I have sent four emails and for three days, I have completed tasks that move me closer to my goal of total organization!

Although, I must say that meeting these daily tasks are not easy and the first night I began my hour of committed time at eight o’clock at night (and I was pretty tired by then), it was an issue of integrity to keep my promise and the sense of accomplishment at moving forward into progress was sheer euphoria! I’ve also been taking pictures to further record my progress.
Before 1.30.14

So, we learn something from this. ACCOUNTABILITY is of paramount importance! The need for a COACH is also obvious. It’s like having a personal cheering section to greet you at the finish line after a long, hard race.

Sometimes one just plods through a day (or day after day), wondering why we can’t make progress towards something we want to accomplish. It’s nothing short of amazing at what happens when you put your integrity on the line and make a commitment to do something.

So simple yet so powerful!

What can you do today to get yourself one step closer to your goal? And to whom will you be accountable?

I’m off to fulfill my commitment for today! Happy Monday!

Cindy Hurd   
After 1.31.14

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