Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your Thoughts, Your Feelings, Your Attitude

Today’s post is a little late in coming due to my exhaustive efforts in working towards my own goal to becoming organized! Although I actually ended yesterday in a state of failure to achieve my intentions for Day 6 of my Proctor/Gallagher Commitment, instead of beating myself up over it, I choose to recall all of the household cleaning I did that used up the time I had available to get more organized. And at least I kept my appointments!Today I will just have to double my efforts and proceed with enthusiasm!

Now let’s get back to our discussion of goal setting and achieving as per Bob Proctor.

The third category Bob talks about is the perennial Paradigm. This is, as you may recall, a multitude of habits that we internalize from as far back as our infant days. The ninth reason why people will fail to achieve their goals is due to the fact that they will actually DEFEND their paradigms and limiting beliefs with a zealous righteousness!

For instance, when I came to Idaho from New York, I was recovering from surgery on my spine and had been suffering, for months before that, with a debilitating loss of motor control that left me incapable of functioning at even a 5-year-old’s level. I could not brush my teeth without dropping my toothbrush several times or tie my shoes or even zip up my coat...the list goes on and on. I certainly could not type on a keyboard!

Then I moved in with my future husband and discovered that he had no sympathy for my inability to function! He had expectations of what I should be capable of and I defended my inability to produce. I thought him quite cruel and thoughtless when, in fact, he forced me to push past my self-imposed boundaries. Without his constant chiding, I may very well have continued to vehemently guard my learned concept of being disabled and recovery may not even have taken place. 

The point is, my THINKING was all wrong. Sure, I had a legitimate disability before my surgery and yes, I needed time to recover from months of deterioration, and true, I am still not recovered to where I was before the physical problems began but...I have recovered faster and am stronger ever since I changed my attitude about what I am capable of doing.

This brings us to number ten: ATTITUDE. The definition of attitude is a composite of one’s thoughts, feelings and actions. You get what you EXPECT to get! So, until I expected to have a body that functioned the way I wanted it to, I was going to remain almost as much of an invalid as before I had the surgery! Attitude is EVERYTHING! And it begins with THOUGHT.

I spent a whole lot of time thinking about how unfortunate I was that I had to suffer in a body that would not function properly and that caused me so much physical pain. When I began listening to Bob Proctor and others speaking about the power of thought and the fact that we each have complete and total control over WHAT we think, I began to see the path I was on... and way over ‘there’ was the path I wanted to be on! And I’ve been making my way over to the FREEDOM path little by little ever since and watching everything about my ‘self’ get better.

Here’s the key. Once you understand that everything in your life is your responsibility, that’s when you achieve total FREEDOM and the power to have, be and do anything! Once you really ‘get it’, that you and you alone, are in complete control over what you THINK and what you FEEL, then you know that no one or no circumstance has any power over you other than what you decide to give it. 

When you ‘blame’ another person or some circumstance for your feelings or thoughts, you are really handing over your freedom of choice. Taking ownership of responsibility is not a chore. It’s something to celebrate! It’s no different than when a child learns to take on the responsibility of a household chore and receives an allowance for doing so. In return for taking on the responsibility for our own thoughts and feelings, we earn our own freedom of choice. We cease to be VICTIMS! We become POWERFUL!

Once this idea becomes your new self-image, YOU WIN. No goal is too far out of reach.

My next post will be on the concept of ACTION and what Bob considers to be the number one reason why most people do not achieve the goals they set out to achieve.

To your powerful thoughts...

Cindy Hurd
Feb 2, 2014
Feb 1, 2014
"Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can't."

Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

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