Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pick a Goal...Any Goal

As my readers well know, I am a student of Bob Proctor’s teachings and I’ve been diligently studying the “Goals; Questions and Answers” audio from his Freedom Series Program for the past few weeks. 
You can access this program on YouTube for free here:

So for the next few posts, I want to share some of the major points he talks about with respect to Goals; why we make them, how they fail and how best to keep them.

Bob says there are 13 reasons why people fail to reach their goals and they fall under 4 main categories. Those categories are:

1.    Why do we make goal commitments?
2.   Setting and prioritizing our goals
3.   Overcoming old paradigms
4.   Implementation and execution of goals

Today I am going to share the first four of Bob’s points under the heading of “Why do we make goal commitments?

The reason we make goals is because we’re supposed to!

What we mean by that is that we are created to desire continuous improvement in our lives and circumstances. “We either create or we disintegrate.” Bob calls it a ‘healthy dissatisfaction’ and uses examples such as the Wright Brothers or Edison. Without them (or people like them) we wouldn’t be flying or using light bulbs so it is a good thing to be constantly desirous of ways to improve. My favorite quote of Bob’s (I may have mentioned it before) is when he says, “You don’t have to be sick to get better!”

Number two is that your goals cannot be contrary to your personal values.

 If your goal does not resonate with your ‘value set’, it will be doomed before it gets off the ground. Say, for instance you have a goal to make 5 new friends this year and you meet a person who asks you to join their club or organization. If the club has a philosophy that you disagree with and that runs against your set of values, the goal for making new friends this way will not resonate with you and even if you try it, you will eventually escape or drop the whole endeavor.

Number three is that your goal must be your own and not someone else’s.

Sometimes we get into a situation where we want to please someone who is close to us and we agree to do something that doesn’t necessarily excite us. I remember my ex-husband agreeing to go back to school to become a Special Ed teacher but this idea never really was his own. Predictably, he ended up sabotaging the plan at almost every opportunity until he finally admitted that he wasn’t interested and quit! This leads into the next issue which is number four.

You must be passionate about your goal!

You must have a strong feeling for your chosen goal. Without a strong sense of emotion, you cannot ever hope to achieve the goal you have chosen. If you choose a goal that you only feel lukewarm about, you will desert that goal at the first stumbling block or as soon as you feel tired.

The best way to establish a strong impression on the emotional side of your mind is to WRITE out your goals and IMAGINE yourself as having already achieved it. Writing will cause you to think (and vice versa). Thinking will activate the excitement about how it will FEEL to ‘get there’ and that will move your body into ACTION!

I personally have written out my goals, have prioritized them (which I will talk about in the next post) and I re-write them every day. This re-affirms my excitement when I imagine how I will feel when I have reached my goal!

Another very important aspect of writing out goals is to put them in the present tense. If you state your goal as being in the future, you can never reach it because it will always be in the future. This has been a huge problem for me in my past! (lol) So, instead of saying “I will be organized”, I say, “I AM organized”! By repeatedly telling myself that I already AM what I want, I am teaching my subconscious what I wish it to believe and it is the subconscious that controls my behavior

Since, as Bob teaches, the subconscious is completely deductive, it cannot reject the information that the conscious mind impresses upon it. In other words, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth! With the mind, that is how it works! J

Okay, so that’s the lesson for today. Tune in Friday to learn Bob’s great tips on how to prioritize these goals of yours! Until then...

Happy goal setting!


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