Wednesday, February 26, 2014

When is it too early to quit?

“It’s always too early to quit.” ~ Norman Vincent Peal

It’s right about that time when a lot of us, if not most, are thinking about giving up on those goals we set several weeks ago. Things just are not shaping up the way we wanted them to when we made our commitments on January 1st.

Let me give you another quote; this one by Price Prichett, the author of You2 (squared); “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Bob Proctor says: “Only quit when you’re winning!”

Persistence is key. In Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich, he devoted a whole chapter to the subject of persistence. He says the lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. “With persistence will come success.” and “There is no substitute for persistence.” I highly recommend reading this chapter! There is much in it that is both enlightening and encouraging!

So, if that scale is showing you nasty readings; there are still piles of clutter around the house or office causing you to fantasize about bonfires; and certain habits are making a laughing stock of your is NOT the time to give up! Pull up your socks and get out on the field! You have work to do and you can and will do it!

Please leave me some feedback on how those goals are proceeding!

To your persistence!

Cindy Hurd

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