Monday, September 1, 2014

A Day at the Fair

Sunday was the second day of the Southeast Idaho Fair in Blackfoot, ID for 2014. I decided a week ago to attend the fair on this day because there was an Arabian horse show in the morning. Since I miss my Arabian horse and the annual fair of my previous life, I decided it was time to rekindle some of the spirit of ‘summers past’.

Although it was disappointing that my husband chose not to accompany me, even though he had said he wanted to go previously, I am proud to say that I remained undaunted in my determination to go...alone or not!

This was only my second trip to this fair, the first being 3 years ago but I was able to find my way easily by looking up directions on the web. I am still one of those throw-backs that does not own a GPS! Not knowing exactly where to park the car to get closest to the arena I wanted to see, I spoke to a few, very friendly and helpful parking attendants along my way asking for advice. I parked the car, walked a bit more than I usually do for having a handicap tag but I did park for free...always a cool thing!

It was a little breezy at times and the temperature was hovering at a crisp 60° but that beats sweltering in 90°!

I missed the morning horse show but I asked a woman who had obviously been in the show based on her attire (jodhpurs were a dead giveaway!) to learn that there was another show early in the afternoon. So now, just needing to kill a few hours, I began strolling around. I took over 90 photos and ended up saving 88. Not too bad for a horrible photographer! It's not really my bag so not exactly a career possibility!

At my age, I am always surprised when I see things that I’ve never seen before! One of the first treats in store for me was this new ‘ride’. Well, I’m not sure how ‘new’ it is but it was definitely new to me.

Here is this large, covered pool with no more than two feet of water and in it are these huge clear plastic bubbles and there were kids inside the bubbles and not getting wet! Oh, to be a kid now...romping around in one of those bubbles. Too much fun! 

Then I happened upon a reptile exhibit. I loved the Iguana and the turtles but snakes are not my favorite specie of anything!

Along the route I found my next ‘lawn chair’! This one is suspended like a hammock. Awesome! 

I did visit one of the horse barns and communed with a few of the horses that were not currently busy. I also found the inevitable goats and sheep. However, I did meet a couple of Longhorns that I’ve never seen in real life, either. Amazing. Here is a picture of one trying to get into a safe position to lie down with those horns! All I could think of was the headache I would have if I had to carry those things around on my head! 

I visited with my daughter on the phone for a little while and then went off in search of a bathroom and smoking ‘lounge’. ;-)

I had been at the ‘West End’ of the fair and took the tunnel to connect to the main drag. That’s where all the heavy action is located. You know...the honky-tonk, carnival stuff that your kids hassle you endlessly about taking them there until you can’t stand it anymore!

After ‘business’, I found the Needlecraft barn and took my time photographing everything I liked. The barn is mostly filled with quilts which are quite good and many are very large indicating a serious dedication to the craft somewhere nearby. The stitching was beautiful as well but sparse in comparison to the quilts. Here are a couple of my favorites. 

By the time I was finished seeing everything in that barn, it was time to make my way back to the West End Arena to catch the afternoon horse show but I must confess...I did have a few more minutes and so I indulged in a corn dog and lemonade before heading back to the tunnel!

Armed with my incredibly delicious junk food, I took a seat in a small grandstand and enjoyed watching the girls ride their gorgeous Arabians! It was good to know that I can still discern between the right ‘lead’ and when it isn’t right! ;-) One girl had a hell of an awkward moment at the ‘turn your horse and trot’ command. lol

At last I decided that my bones were getting tired enough and would be charging me interest tomorrow, so I strolled back to the car with one last look at the new-fangled, but very pretty, Ferris wheel and headed home. 

If there are any ladies out there who sometimes find themselves in a position of wanting to go somewhere, preferring to go WITH their significant other and end up not going at all because their significant other stiffs them at the last minute...DON’T! Do not NOT go! I know that is incorrect grammar but maybe you will remember what I am saying.

Go out! Have a good time and remember all the advantages of going without him. No having to listen to him tell you how to drive the car or where to park it. No listening to him complain that he is hungry or to hurry up with that Needlecraft barn. No listening to how he couldn’t care less about horses or how to ride them...need I say more?

I was certainly NOT lonely and... I had a lovely time alone!

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