Friday, January 24, 2014

Hear Ye, Hear Ye...Freebie, Freebie!

Having spent my day in various online activities, not all of which was a waste of time, I have very little time left in the day to devote to writing. I am therefore going to post a very short but informative piece with a link that I received in an email on Thursday.

I have developed a very great deal of respect for Vishen Lakhiani and his organization although recently I decided not to opt-in to subscribing to his newest project, The Mindvalley Academy, due to time and cash restraints. But Vishen is so dedicated to spreading the word and helping others that he has developed this little program free of charge!

I'll let Vishen speak for himself as he does it much better than I can. Here is the link:

I spent quite a bit of time on this Thursday and downloaded all the audios and PDF’s he was offering. You just can’t beat FREE! J

So, check it out, spend a few hours getting to know yourself and I’ll be back with you all on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

Cindy Hurd

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